Submit your Settings

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Basic Information

Basic Information
Please provide your Callsign for credit. You may leave this blank if you wish.
Please input your Radio model

Digital Interface Information

Information about Your Digital Interface
Please Select your digital Interface
Document ANY settings that must be set on the radio including menu name / number if available for optimal digital operation. Please be descriptive here.

Software Information

Individual Software Settings

WSJT-X / JS8Call Settings

Would you like to provide WSJT-X/JS8 Settings?

FLrig / FLDigi Settings

Would you like to provide flrig/fldigi Settings?

Direwolf Settings

Would you like to provide Direwolf Settings?

Omnirig Settings

Would you like to provide Omnirig Settings?

HamLib Settings

Would you like to provide hamlib Settings?

Operating System Sepcific Settings

Selected Value: 50
What volume is set for Volume/Data out of your Computer?
Please enter any information that you feel is important that was not covered on the form.